Thursday, February 28, 2008

Posting 3

Animals are very interesting to read about.

Emperor penguin:

They are the largest of the 17 species of penguins and they are the only animal that spends winter out in the open ice. They clump together in huge, great masses and take turns moving to the inside where they are protected from the icy cold temperatures and wind. These birds breed in the winter unlike most birds.


It is the largest wild cat in the world and weighs up to 720 pounds. It usually hunts alone and at night. It has been known to eat up to 60 pounds of meat one night. This wild cat seems to enjoy swimming. No two tigers have exactly the same pattern of stripes and their roar can be heard from two miles away.


It is one of the ocean's top predators and hunts everythinf from fish to walrusus - seals, sea lions, penguins, squids, sea turtles, sharks, and even other kinds of whales.. They eat about 500 pounds of food a day. They have many hunting techniques. Orcas live and hunt together in cooperative pods.


It is the tallest and heaviest bird and can weigh as much as 350 pounds. Instead of flying this bird runs. It has two strong legs and one stride can cover up to 16 feet. If an ostrich is cornered and is not able to escape it will use its strong legs to give a kick powerful enough to kill a lion. Ostriches are mainly vegetarian eating roots, leaves flowers and seeds but it sometimes also eats lizards, insects and other small creatures.

Loggerhead sea turtle:

They got this name because their head looks sort of like a big log. They have powerful jaws to crush prey with hard shells but they also eat softer foods like fish, jellyfish, seaweed and a brown algea called sargassum. Loggerheads live in oceans all over the world except in the coldest seas. A female loggerhead lays eggs four times in one nesting season. Loggerheads have to be on the lookuot for sharks their entire lives. They are endangered.

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